Server Status
Server Time
Time : 13:12:49
Battle Arena :
Server Info
- Cap : 110
- Race : Chinese/European
- Chinese Balance : Yes
- Mastery : 440/220
- EXP/SP Rate : Medium
- Free Silk : 1 Silk/H, Vote, Auto Events
- Magic Pop : Works
- Play2Win : Yes
- Automatic-Events : Works
- Job System : Available
- PK System : Disabled
- Max-Plus : +12 with adv
- Guild Limit : 24
- Union Limit : 2
- IP LIMIT : 4
- PC Limit : 2
- Job Limit : 1
- BA/CTF/FTW Limit : 1
JG Fortress : dummy
HT Fortress : ChosenOnes
Last Unique Kills
Acozaine has Killed Lord Yarkan just now
Acozaine has Killed Demon Shaitan just now
EL_MALK has Killed Kidemonas just now
dc_106 has Killed Captain Ivy just now
CMEPTb_KZ has Killed Jupiter just now
Last 10 Globals
_COBA_ says WTB CLERC +9 or +11 PM MEE for gold just now
_COBA_ says for CLERC +11 or +9 PM MEE just now
_COBA_ says WTB CLERC +9 for gold PM MEE just now
_COBA_ says WTB clerc +11 for gold PM MEE just now
[BOT] says [Viceversa] Has ended. just now
[BOT] says [Viceversa] Congratulations [BenDen0NCeaL] you are the winner! just now
[BOT] says [Viceversa] Round No.[2] - [ReSeArChEr]. just now
[BOT] says [Viceversa] Congratulations [Acozaine] you are the winner! just now
[BOT] says [Viceversa] Round No.[1] - [rEpUtAtIoN]. just now
[BOT] says [Viceversa] Has started, send your answer to [[BOT]].[DiAmOnD => dIaMoNd] just now